Some words about Noel and his music:
“Noel’s music has the ability to take us there, walk the beaches, hear the surf, and touch our hearts.”
Angela Mackay - Brisbane Folk Rag
“This CD Justice and Pride is a welcome addition to Australian Folk Music.” Green Left Weekly
“Noel started his set with new words to Advance Australia Fair which was most amusing, but sadly true. Many of Noel’s songs contain political comments but also demonstrate a fine sense of the ridiculous. As the saying goes, there’s many a true word spoken in jest.”
Julie Dendle - Brisbane Folk Rag
“Noel Gardner has been a part of the folk scene on the Sunshine Coast for many
years. He has a wonderful voice and his songs inspire many people throughout
the folk movement.”
Bill Hauritz - Woodford Folk Festival Director
“Your voices and harmonies were so beautiful they sent shivers up my spine.“
Palm Creek Festival
“This was a house concert with a difference the house being the towering forest, complete with visiting koala… Noel’s house at Palmwoods. Sitting outside in this cathedral-like setting, with the stars just visible through the leafy canopy, the evening’s music was haunting, almost sacred. Noel, an accomplished performer himself welcomed us with his diverse and dinkum folk style. The atmosphere was perfect for his happy, heartfelt and image-evoking songs, accompanied on this occasion by the beautifully contrasting voice of Jenni Finnigan. The musical story-telling had begun.”
Angela Mackay - Brisbane Folk Rag
"Your concert made me laugh and cry. Photographs and Memories certainly hits the spot for any parent while your race call about the election was very clever and made me laugh no end..."
Katie McGregor - Woodford Folk Festival 2004
"Pulling in a full house and over the top applause from the audience, this brilliant C.D. shows Noels strong committment to both social and environmental issues."
Laura Williamson - Sunshine Coast Alternative News
“He performed some more of his original songs, including the lovely one he write for his niece's wedding and ended with his hauntingly beautiful Humpback Whale complete with audience participation. "
Julie Dendle - Brisbane Folk Rag
“Thank you Noel for your contribution to our Quality of Life on the Sunshine Coast. Your songs and music will outlive us all.”
Des Ritchie - President, Queensland Folk Federation - Sunshine Coast Environment Council